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Admissions Policies and Procedures

In keeping with the by-laws of JAIS, the following admissions policies and procedures have been established.

  1. Students who provide records that document academic achievement, English language proficiency, appropriate student behaviors, and emotional adjustment that would set the student up for success may be accepted to JAIS after completion of the admissions process. The admissions criteria are: 
    • Overall academic achievement must be at or approaching grade level (as measured by instruments acceptable to JAIS).
    • Social, emotional, and behavioral development should be such that the student is able to function productively in a classroom and school-wide environment. The child must exhibit age appropriate attention span, concentration, positive social interaction, and ability to cope with school behavioral expectations, so that he/she may benefit from instruction.
  2. Any children who need additional support in the above areas must submit a  current psycho-educational evaluation and all Individual Education Plans (IEPs),  ahead of time, so that the admissions committee can review and make an initial assessment of whether JAIS can build a program to meet the child’s needs. For a student with additional learning support needs, it is required that, prior to applying and accepting a post in Israel, information about the child be shared with the school for an initial review.
  3. For children who are non-native English speakers:  As part of the admissions process, the  EAL (English as an Additional Language) specialist will evaluate all potential EAL students in order to determine what accommodations and extra support will be required. Placement in Early Years through Grade 5 will be determined by the administration based on the student’s age, evaluation of records from previous schools, admissions screening, and placement tests administered by JAIS and any other relevant factors. Students enrolling in the Early Years program must be three years old and toilet trained on or before September 1 of the year of admission. Kindergarten program is designed for students who are five years old on or before September 1 of the year of admission.